To assess the potential of a possible new marker of acute kidney injury in cats – including Oncology patients that develop kidney disease during the course of their disease.
Inclusion criteria:
Cats with following conditions:
- severe systemic disease (including cancer)
- aminoglycoside & NSAID therapies
- low urinary tract obstruction
- prerenal azotemia
- exacerbation of chronic renal disease
- acute renal failure.
Samples required:
- urine sample (1-5 mL), collected either by voidance, cystocentesis or catheterization.
Client Compensation:
- New diagnostic AKI assay performed at no cost to owner
- Dr. Dorothee Bienzele (PI)
Dr. Dorothee Bienzle: 519-824-4120; ext.54351
Vicky Sabine (PhD), Clinical Research Coordinator
- Work Cell #: 226-218-0338
- Email: ovc.clinicaltrials@uoguelph.ca