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ICCI Annual Symposia

The annual ICCI Cancer Research Symposium is a free all-day event that highlights the cancer research taking place at the University of Guelph and from other institutions. The day consists of short talks from students and invited local speakers, guest speakers from many areas of research, poster presentations, and a keynote speaker to cap off an eventful day promising to demonstrate the wide variety and novelty of cancer research taking place in veterinary and translational medicine.

We are excited to announce that the 2025 ICCI Cancer Research Symposium will be coming on June 5th, 2025! Registration and abstract information will be announced soon, but make sure to put us in your calendar! The website with further information will be updated as we move forward with planning.

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Douglas Thamm from the Flint Animal Cancer Center, Colorado State University, as this year’s keynote speaker, along with guest speaker Christina Ip-Toma, Director of Scientific Programs at MIB Agents Osteosarcoma Alliance. We also look forward to hosting a variety of speakers from the Ontario Veterinary College and other institutions for updates on ongoing research.

Below, you can also find links to the highlights of previous years, including some of the poster presentations. We appreciate the feedback provided to us from last year’s event, and hope to continue to improve your experience.

Please email Deirdre Stuart at if you are having any difficulties accessing the page or highlight reels from previous years.

Xray of tumour in bone, cancer cells under a microscope and dog being held by technicians for treatment

Past ICCI Symposia: